Thursday 27 February 2014

Evaluation of final brief

Evaluation of final brief

The start of my film introduces a family of small insects trying to get into a house, to steal all of the food from the cupboards due to the loss of the of their food supply. In the middle of the movie, the family of insects meet a bird that explains why there is no food, a newly built dam that is stopping a river flowing. The river provides water for the plants. Near the end of the film the bird and the insects have to blow up the dam, stop it from working or they have to travel up river to get to place where the plants are fine.

The idea for my movie came from multiple animated movies, Over the Hedge and Ice age 2. My movie is a comedy aimed at children between the ages on 5-11. My film is unisex so it is not aimed at any specific genre. The media production I used to advertise my movie was a poster.
When I was designing the poster I used bright colors like, green, blue and white to match the colors on films that are the same genre as mine like Hotel Transylvania, Ice Age and Over the Hedge. Other films that are not aimed at children like action or thriller movies don’t usually have bright colors, usually they’re quite dull and they don’t stand out as much.  The main focus on the advert (the poster) is the dam that has affected the family of insects because that is the thing that makes up most of the story, but the main focus in advertising action and thriller films are usually the main characters but in my film there are multiple main characters. Instead of just having one or two.

When I was thinking of an idea for a movie it was very difficult and I couldn’t think of anything to do my movie about, but when I needed to take pictures to use for my final poster design that was both easy and quite difficult it was both because although I knew what pictures I needed like a blue sky, a wall and some rocks the sun wouldn’t be out so I couldn’t  use the photos on the poster because the poster was supposed to be bright.

 Compositing the pictures to make the poster was very easy because I can remember how to do it but the only reason it was difficult is when the images would take a while to load in and move around on the page.

I think the overall poster design went very well and I think I was suitable for my target audience because it was bright, bold and colorful, I also think it correctly responds to the brief. My poster design is interesting, different and creative, I also think it will hook and interest the buyer. The photos I used were clear enough for me to use in my design but they could have been better.
Next time I do this I will experiment with the layout of the poster to make it look better, I will also get more base material on my own by taking more pictures instead of going on the internet and getting images.

Thursday 6 February 2014


POSTER WITH LOGO:                                                      FILM COMPANY LOGO:

finished final movie poster design + write up

- When I started my poster design, I got the background (a blue sky) and put it onto photoshop.

- I then added the title of the film and the release date of the film.
- Next I found some silhouetted pictures of a bug and a bird and composited them to the background.

-Next I got a picture of two boulders next to each other and used the lasso tool to get rid of the majority of the  background to make sure all of the background was gone I composited the rest of the background away.

- Then I created a new layer and added the two rocks to make the cliffs surrounding the dam.

- Next I got the picture of a black brick wall and composited it between the rock faces to create the dam.

- I then took a picture of a puddle and used it for the river that is under/in front of the dam and composited it into the final composite.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Thursday 23 January 2014

Visual qualities analysis

Hotel Transylvania 
The colors in Hotel Transylvania are dark greens, blues and black as the movie is based in a haunted house and dull/dark colors  represent the atmosphere in the movie. The colors are like this because most kids films are bright with little detail in the colors.

Ice Age 1/2/3/4
The colors in all of the ice age movies are bright and usually blues, whites and green the clouds are block colors with little shading  the colors are like this because the movies are set in the day and mostly in the  spring/summer time.

Like the other kids film

Movie Mind Map

Thursday 16 January 2014

Final brief- Advertising a new film release

Specification of the film

The title I will use for my movie will be Small things my movie will be a comedy for the ages between 5-11, the target gender for my movie is unisex so anyone can watch it. The media production type i'm going to use is a poster campaign

Overview of the story

The start of my film introduces a family of small insects trying to get into a house, to steal all of the food from the cupboards due to the loss of the of their food supply. In the middle of the movie, the family of insects meet a bird that explains why there is no food, a newly built dam that is stopping a river flowing. The river provides water for the plants. Near the end of the film the bird and the insects have to blow up the dam, stop it from working or they have to travel up river to get to place where the plants are fine.

Thursday 9 January 2014



1- Explain exactly what, why and how you did each stage of the process? 

We researched the good poster design and the bad one to have a idea of what a good poster and a bad poster consists of.  We then made spider diagrams to point out some visual qualities that made a poster look attractive. I started to sketch to plan my final layout for my mock up and final poster design. When I made my mock up I used my ideas from the comparison work and my spider diagrams. I used different lighting for each of the shoe photos when I was taking photos in the Studio. I took some photos outside the art block. I took photos of the sky so I could use them in my final poster design. I used editing to help me with my final poster design, when making the poster I used the skew tool to help me fit the poster into the billboard. I used Photoshop for my mock up, composite and when I put my final poster design. I didn’t use illustrator as much as I used Photoshop during this project. I put my final poster in a real life setting, a billboard. I also used photos I took of  a real life object and used it in my work.

2- List all strengths and weaknesses of each aspect of the production

When I was learning about idea generation and creative appropriate to target audience, my strengths were; knowing what each audience would want, knowing the difference between a good and bad poster and knowing what is appropriate for each target audience. My weaknesses were being able to know how to use illustrator and Photoshop. 

When I was creating my mock up, taking photos of the shoes, props, and locations, my strengths were creating a good mock up design, and taking photos for my mock up. My weaknesses were getting the lighting correctly for my photos, using props in my photos and taking the real life photos.

3- Evaluate the success of the final poster design, is your re advertising for a target audience….

My final poster design is suitable for my target audience, teenagers, it responds to the brief and I think my idea is interesting and creative to the buyer. The quality of the photography is ok but needs improving. There were technical issues while I was creating the final re branding poster. I think my poster is clear and it links to the target audience.