Thursday 9 January 2014



1- Explain exactly what, why and how you did each stage of the process? 

We researched the good poster design and the bad one to have a idea of what a good poster and a bad poster consists of.  We then made spider diagrams to point out some visual qualities that made a poster look attractive. I started to sketch to plan my final layout for my mock up and final poster design. When I made my mock up I used my ideas from the comparison work and my spider diagrams. I used different lighting for each of the shoe photos when I was taking photos in the Studio. I took some photos outside the art block. I took photos of the sky so I could use them in my final poster design. I used editing to help me with my final poster design, when making the poster I used the skew tool to help me fit the poster into the billboard. I used Photoshop for my mock up, composite and when I put my final poster design. I didn’t use illustrator as much as I used Photoshop during this project. I put my final poster in a real life setting, a billboard. I also used photos I took of  a real life object and used it in my work.

2- List all strengths and weaknesses of each aspect of the production

When I was learning about idea generation and creative appropriate to target audience, my strengths were; knowing what each audience would want, knowing the difference between a good and bad poster and knowing what is appropriate for each target audience. My weaknesses were being able to know how to use illustrator and Photoshop. 

When I was creating my mock up, taking photos of the shoes, props, and locations, my strengths were creating a good mock up design, and taking photos for my mock up. My weaknesses were getting the lighting correctly for my photos, using props in my photos and taking the real life photos.

3- Evaluate the success of the final poster design, is your re advertising for a target audience….

My final poster design is suitable for my target audience, teenagers, it responds to the brief and I think my idea is interesting and creative to the buyer. The quality of the photography is ok but needs improving. There were technical issues while I was creating the final re branding poster. I think my poster is clear and it links to the target audience.

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